Inspiration from the sun is what made go with the color choices of red, orange, and yellow to represent the flames within the sun and the circular figure of the image. The choice of the bright blue in between each figure i felt complemented the other colors very well and help draw the viewers eyes into the piece.
Angel of Death
Skulls  signify death as it is the center of the subject in this piece and the color choice for the angel wings to bring out the outline of the feathers seperating and overlapping each other
Skulls & Hearts
The use of vibrant colors on a white background is to grab the attention of the viewers and draw them into the center and fully evaluate the imagery in the art and see the outline of the skull and the color eye holes and underneath see the outline of a heart shaped formed.
Grim Reaper
The color choices of the faded blue and black was to give the imagery of the art a ghostly feel and envoke a creepy dark mood to the viewers.


My inspirations in Mandalas and wanting to creating imagery with the same effects on the viewers in how they are drawn into the center of the pie Read More
